Calendar of Events

Ayurvedic Self Care Practices to Keep Your Cool During Summer: Yoga & Breathing – Class 3 of a Three-Class Series with Vidya Chapman *

Tue, Jul 06

5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Eastern Time

Suggested Tuition: $20/class or $55 for Series


or Register for Third Class Only

Ayurvedic Self Care Practices to Keep Your Cool During Summer:
In the summer season, it is important to focus on practices that help us to keep cool – physically, mentally and emotionally. The sun, being the deity of fire, brings with it more light and heat both inside and outside the body and in the entire atmosphere. This three-class series offers summer tips for keeping balanced.

  • It is recommended to register for the entire series, as subsequent classes will build on the previous ones. However, they can also be taken separately.
  • Class 3: Yoga & Breathing
    Developing good habits is a great start to staying healthy and balanced. Daily Yoga practices will calm the mind, reduce stress and improve sleep. Breathing techniques soothe the nerves and can improve digestion, absorption and assimilation. Learn Yoga practices and marmani (vital energy points) to soothe stress, keep calm and reduce pitta imbalances.

    Vidya (Denise) Chapman is a certified yoga teacher since 2001, a licensed massage therapist, an ayurvedic practitioner and professional member of NAMA. After a life-threatening illness in 2002, she was introduced to Dr. Vasant Lad at Ananda Ashram. In 2007 Vidya travelled to India to study yoga with Nischala Joy Devi and Bhaskar and to see Ayurveda in its homeland. She is a graduate of the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico, founded by Dr. Vasant Lad, and of the Gurukula and Panchakarma Therapy programs at his institute and clinic in Pune, India. Vidya has taught Ayurvedic principles, philosophy and cooking at several yoga teacher trainings, as well as marma therapy, shirodhara, abhyanga and other ayurvedic body therapies at the Sivananda Yoga Retreat in Nassau, Bahamas.